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St Brigid's Primary & Nursery School, Carnhill

Arrangements for September

30th Jun 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

I am writing with information regarding our return to school in September.  As you know, the guidance from the Department of Education is constantly changing and I am basing this on the current guidance that stipulates that we must maintain a minimum distance of 1m to ensure pupil safety.  While taking account of this, it is our aim to bring all of our pupils back in September.  In order to do this, we are purchasing screens that will allow us to increase the number of pupils in each classroom. 

In order to support additional learning opportunities for pupils, we are going to purchase a higher grade of the Seesaw App to support children with their homework and the Recovery Curriculum. This should help with closing any gaps in your child’s learning.

In order to keep the children safe, they will remain in their classroom while in school, this is what the Department of Education refer to as a bubble.  Their healthy eating tuckshop provision and their canteen provided packed lunches will be delivered to their classrooms.  They will have staggered Break and Lunch playtimes in order to maintain social distancing.

Children will enter and exit the school through designated entrances to limit numbers and ensure social distancing. 

  • Years 2, 3 and 6, and the children in the ASD and LSC Units will enter the School via the Carpark gate, where there will be a pedestrian corridor to keep them safe (Entrance A).   No cars will be allowed into the carpark while this is being used by pupils to enter the school.
  • Years 1 and 4 will enter via the Pedestrian gate (Entrance B).
  • Years 5 & 7 will enter via the side gate and the door at the Senior Canteen (Entrance C).  Some of these classes have been using this door to exit the School in the previous school year.

These entrances will be clearly marked with signs, Entrance A, B, and C.

Parents will be asked to leave their children to their designated entrance where staff will be on duty to ensure the children the school enter safely.

In order to maintain social distancing, it will not be possible to run the Breakfast Club or the usual morning supervision.  Parents should bring their children to school at 8.55 am to allow for a 9.00 am start.  The end of the day will remain the same (2.20 pm for Years 1, 2 & 3 and 3.00 pm for Years 4, 5, 6 & 7).  Younger children who are waiting for older brothers or sisters to finish school will be supervised in their classroom by the class team and brought to the front of the School, by a member of staff, at 3.00 pm. to meet their family.

These arrangements may change because there are constant updates from the Department of Education.  If they do, I will be in touch through the School Website and Facebook page to keep you informed.

Kind regards,

Mary McCallion